thankthatstar wrote in
Apr 18, 2010 22:51
holy shizz tay: your face,
justine: wants to marry him,
taylor: is jacob black bitch,
holy shizz tay: you're pretty,
jacob black: is watchin' u,
we love chris weitz,
action: being pretty,
hair: a la jacob black,
hair: messy,
clothes: jacket,
taylor: is perfect,
hair: blowin' in the breeze,
holy shizz tay: your neck,
he lights up my life,
clothes: should be on my floor,
brb melting,
total taycob love,
um i love his chin dimple,
unfff: russet skin,
things we ♥: his chin dimple!!,
face: lipssss,
face: idek but i love it,
face: lovely,
cibele: can't breathe,
hair: actually not bad,
um secks me,
face: um secks me,
location: bella's yard,
things we ♥: his face,
things we ♥: taylor in general,
face: chill,
clothes: a la jacob black,
face: exhausted-looking,
era: new moon,
action: interacting with others,
elyssa: can't even handle it,
your mouth: i want to ravish it,
face: pretty,
hair: wonderful,
blakeleigh: stopped breathing,
go on go on: leave me breathless,
face: why so srs?,
face: intense,
jacob was the air; the sun,
action: looking kinda emo but it's cute,
holy shizz tay: icantgetoveryourface